I offer one on one consultations to develop a personalized care plan for your specific issues. Treatments include education on self care and self management, personalized exercise prescription, hands on treatments such as manual therapy and craniosacral therapy, acupuncture among other physiotherapy treatments. My goal is to get you moving again with ease. This can be in person or via telemedicine.
I have years of experience working with clients long distance, assessing via phone or video. These sessions will work with body and mind, using guided mindfulness exercises and coaching exercise progressions and teaching self care techniques which help bring calmness to the nervous system and to ease symptoms.
I teach therapeutic yoga classes on Zoom and private 1 on 1 yoga classes designed for anyone who needs gentle guidance from someone familiar with physical limitations. We have people who want a gentle class, ranging from Iron Man competitors to folks with concussions, MS, Parkinsons, arthritis, CP among other conditions in our class.We start sitting in a chair, some stay in the chair for the whole class. Others move into a standing flow and then down to the mat. The classes are offered in a warm welcoming safe environment online. Message me if you would like to register.